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2 years ago

Sept 2019, Gates biontech sept 2019, knowledge of the deliberate release of covid bio weapon from Wuhan not known to the world untill Dec 2019. › news › using-data-save-lives-rockefeller...
Using Data to Save Lives: The Rockefeller Foundation and Partners ...
new york, 25 september 2019 – the rockefeller foundation and leading global health partners announced today a $100 million precision public health initiative to empower

plus: look up echo health alliance New York and Echo Yale University

New York Virus Labatories page vx

Plus: page 16
In 1962 the Foundation began a process of consolidation which
does not substantially change its pattern of operation, but which does
bring together hitherto separate activities in a more precisely focused
effort. In the past a coordinated attack of this sort was not possible.

Plus: pages 23- 24
The problems which society faces today from the simple increase
in the numbers of human beings have created an anxiety among the
experts which is now spreading to the general public. Regardless of
their numbers, these individuals must be housed, fed, protected, and
given opportunities in keeping with their dignity as human beings if civilization as we think of it is to survive. Because each individual has
only one life span, the problem is one of great immediacy, not one for
relaxed planning. The prospect is alarming in the industrialized nations
with great resources, and can be frightening in have-not nations where
it approaches the dimensions of catastrophe.
Unless human intelligence is focused on the problems of population,
it is probable that all efforts to improve the lot of nations and of individuals will be nullified. Modern technology can do a great deal to help
the world accommodate more people. However, there must be a simultaneous and vigorous effort to stabilize populations if mankind is not one day to be engulfed by its own numbers.
The complex and diverse attitudes which govern people's thinking
about human rights and social issues have in the past made population
problems particularly sensitive. As the facts become clearer, however,
and the threat more evident, the situation is changing. The affected
societies must decide the population question in their own terms; the
answer does not lie in the imposition of restraints through authoritarianism. As the effects of totally uncontrolled population increases are
realized, voluntary decisions will be brought about, hopefully with
promptness. It is abundantly clear that unless the problems are faced
and the appropriate decisions made, the world is on a road which can
only lead downward in terms of economic and social progress.
There are constructive possibilities for the achievement of a more
satisfactory accommodation of present and, within limits, of future populations

Plus: Page

Senger’s racist eugenics is not idiosyncratic. She reflects the triumphant eugenics elite that included presidents (Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson), jurists (Holmes) and philanthropists (John D. Rockefeller). They embody the country-club ethics of exclusion turned lethal.

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