Shift Your Focus From Weight Loss To Muscle Gain TODAY - With JJ Virgin

2 years ago

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In this episode you’ll discover:
* What percentage of dieters typically achieve and sustain their weight loss goals.
* Why body composition matters when trying to lose weight.
* The benefits of having muscle on your body.
* Why building muscle increases your metabolism.
* What percentage of US citizens are metabolically healthy.
* Why weight alone is a meaningless number.
* The main macronutrient you should focus on.
* An important distinction between intermittent fasting and time restricted feeding.
* How many grams of protein you should aim to consume.
* Why processed foods can interrupt the natural process of intuitive eating.
* How to use a continuous glucose monitor as a tool for metabolic health.
* The relationship between stress and weight.
* JJ’s personal experience with meditation.
* Why exercise is a critical component for fat loss and overall health.

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