Words as Weapons

2 years ago

Criticisms of hapless Senate candidate John Fetterman are labeled "ableist," while Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter is deemed fascist. Jeff and Bob take a hard look at the linguistic battlefield and the corruption of language as an institution.

Jeff's paper on language, "Evolution or Corruption?": https://Mises.org/HAP367-1
George Orwell's essay "Politics and the English Language": https://Mises.org/HAP367-2
Ken Smith's Junk English: https://Mises.org/HAP367-3
Bryan Caplan on "Privilege": https://Mises.org/HAP367-4

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00:00 Introduction
01:05 The Weaponization of Language in Politics
10:13 Manipulating Language and Changing Definitions
20:04 Forced Language
34:16 Privilege and Equity
40:02 Decay of Society

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