Constitutionality of Respect for Marriage Act

2 years ago

The judges have lost their ability to understand the constitutionality of the fact that God made Adam and Eve (Chavvah, lifegiver), not Adam and Steve. God has put them together in a lifelong covenant union (Genesis 2:24) which is the reality of marriage. Since we have lost our foundation, we believe that the government can make marriage anything they want. That isn't the reality of the Constitution.

Unfortunately, less than half of the US adults (47%) could name all three branches of government. When asked unprompted to name the protections specified in the First Amendment, the number of respondents who could identify them declined at times steeply (RAV - The Water Cooler): Freedom of speech was cited by 63%, down from 74% in 2021. Freedom of religion was named by 24%, down from 56% in 2021. Freedom of the press was named by 20%, down from 50% in 2021. Right of assembly was named by 16%, down from 30% in 2021 and right to petition the government was named by 6%, down from 20% in 2021.

We are becoming a dumbed down nation who doesn't know or understand their rights.

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