Dear Dr. Varadkar

2 years ago

Dr. Robert Malone, vaccinologist and inventor of the mRNA technology used in the Covid-19 vaccines, relates his grave concerns about the safety and effectiveness of these products, in a direct appeal to Dr. Leo Varadkar, a fellow physician and Ireland's incoming Prime Minister / Taoiseach.

Dr. Malone details coagulopathy risks, cardiac risks, peripheral neurotoxicity risks and reproductive risks associated with the use of the Covid-19 mRNA genetic injection products.

He also reports a strong correlation between vaccination and rates of excess mortality, referencing specifically the epidemiological work of Dr. Theo Schetters whom Dr. Malone had visited shortly prior to the recording of this video. (Readers are invited to review a subsequent update to Dr. Schetters' work, dated Dec 15th, 2022, which shows an even stronger correlation effect. The update may be viewed here:

One of the causal mechanisms as reported in peer reviewed articles in top medical journals is the profound effect of 'immune imprinting' otherwise known as 'original antigenic sin'. In basic terms, the higher the inoculation the less equipped the immune system becomes to protecting the patient.

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