XRP: 5,400 Coins on Ripple XRP NOW!

2 years ago

XRP continues to grow even during the 2022 Crypto Bear-Market even though the price of XRP price has fell over 50% in the past year the future looks very bright for XRP and this is why over 5400 different Crypto Coins are now running on the XRP Ledger.

1 D'CENT Crypto Wallet (33% OFF NOW) 👉🏻 https://dcentwallet.com/Shop/detail/efecdb8e2b864f16ae59abf66ff7bae7?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=AymanMufleh&utm_campaign=202109-AymanMufleh-Biometric-promo&lang=en
2 D'CENT Crypto Wallet (40% OFF NOW) 👉🏻 https://dcentwallet.com/Shop/detail/8a2d8d3c645d49408a7361efb5d4f8cf?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=AymanMufleh&utm_campaign=202109-AymanMufleh-Biometric-promo&lang=en

0:00 - Ripple XRP in Palau
5:52 - 5,400 XRP Coins
7:36 - XRP Use Cases
10:20 - Big Crypto SALE NOW!!


Cryptocurrency - Crypto - XRP - XRP Crypto - Ripple XRP




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#Crypto #XRP #Ripple

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