Should you pay taxes on Digital Transactions?

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The Federal Government can not keep track of the billions of dollars they spend each year, but they want to see what each of us Americans are buying and selling with digital payments. Does our Federal Government really need to know if you sold your old treadmill for $50 or gave a child away at college 30 bucks for gas? How can every dollar we spend, being tracked, equal freedom? The question becomes, should you pay taxes on digital sales and transfers?

In this presentation, Peymon will show you how the Deep State is coming after everyday Americans, Digital transactions. Digital tracking of your money takes away your privacy and is just another ploy to tax Americans. Wake up and don’t fall for this deep state scam. Help your family and America Prosper Make America Tax Free Again!
Peymon, founder of Freedom Law School in 1996, grew up in totalitarian Iran. In 1977, at age 14, Peymon moved to the land of the free and the home of the brave. He found out Americans are not nearly so free and brave as he thought! Peymon has taught thousands of Americans what the laws actually say, not what the IRS or income tax preparers say the laws say!

Peymon and Freedom Law School have helped many Americans to live free of IRS deception, robbery, and slavery. You can LIVE FREE NOW with Freedom Law School’s Lifetime Guarantee against Civil and Criminal Law suites. All current students are protected with our lifetime guarantee. Learn to take the Seven Steps to income tax freedom on the home page of our website,

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