The Secret War Against Life - What You CAN’T Say Anymore

2 years ago

We’ve been telling that the radical Left worships at the altar of abortion. Now the Associated Press (AP) has joined that ghoulish congregation. The AP just released a new stylebook meant to dictate what language can be used when reporting on abortion related stories, and you won’t believe this new level of abortion distortion.
ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow summed it up:
"The stylebook is to let other media outlets know how to phrase things. For instance during the last Administration when we were so actively involved in Washington, they had ‘how to pronounce Sekulow’ – it was in the stylebook. So now it’s using words, and the abortion language. It’s fascinating what they’ve gone to with this because what it shows you is how the pro-abortion – which they would have you call abortion rights groups, because you can’t say pro-abortion – [side has] influenced the culture when they’ve got the stylebook of the Associated Press saying hey this is the way you need to go."
The radical Left is literally trying to change language, pressuring the media to avoid words like heartbeat or fetal because, hey, wouldn’t want anyone to think they’re doing something evil like ending innocent human lives. Instead, they manipulate language to paint good people as bad, and bad people as good, and tell people the words they’ve known all their lives now mean something different.
The ACLJ is not fooled. Neither are our members. We’re fighting for the lives of defenseless unborn babies in multiple state Supreme Courts across the nation right now, just as we’re defending the rights of pro-life workers to continue their vital work. We cannot slow down, because around every corner there’s another attack on life.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more analysis of this AP stylebook which feels like it was literally written by the abortion industry. We’re also joined by ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy Ric Grenell to discuss the imminent removal of Title 42, which will only exacerbate the crisis at our southern border.

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