Kid Charlemagne by Steely Dan ~ Will the Real Jesus Christ Please Stand Up?

2 years ago

Kid Charlemagne is yet another very famous song by Steely Dan (Donald Fagen and Walter Becker), and yet, another of their brilliant songs that is massively misinnerstood...

The Song simply represents what the CIA and the Cabal were attempting to do during the late Sixties, which was to create a SCHSIM amongst the Hippie Movement, by replacing the HUGE Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene movement amongst the Hippies, with FREE DRUGS in the form of LSD, and its biggest and most famous 'Cooker', upon his Hilltop in San Francisco, The Bear, Owsley Stanley, of the Greatful Dead fame...

The Cabal attempted to viciously replace MEDITATION, Stillness and Silence, and the Inner Journey to God, with a violent attempt to take Heaven by Force, with the CIA creation of the Drug, LSD...

Thus, in the song, Donald and Walter were writing about the CHOICE that we all possess within us, to do that which is Natural and Right, although not often Easy, with that which is EASY, Unnatural and flat out Wrong...therefore, the Cabal introduced the FRYING of one's Brain which a chemical substance that had profound affects upon the Mind and one's Mental State...

Kid Charlemagne is the title for the FALSE Messiah, in this case, The Bear, Owsley Stanley, as KID represents the Capricious Goat, that which represents the EGO our of Left Brain, while Charlemagne stands for Charles the Great, or the Latin Root, Carolus Magnus, which means the Calling of Greatness...which finds its origins in the Sanskrit word, Mahat...

Thus, Kid Charlemagne, in the context of this song, represents the False Great, Called One of God, Owsley Stanley, and trying to take Heaven by Force, instead of the Real King of Kings, Jesus Christ, as evidenced by the Line,

'Did you Feel like Jesus, did you Realize that you were a Champion in their Eyes...'

Signifying the position that Organized Society were placing LSD and Owsley Stanley in by allowing LSD to spread to all 4 Corners of America, for FREE, where the Police turned a BLIND EYE to the Drug, until such time that they needed to Clean Up their own Mess that they created...

So, in the Chorus, what Donald and Walter were saying was for the False Jesus to GET ALONG, or Get Out of Here and Make Way for the One and Only King of Kings, the Real Charlemagne, Jesus Christ...

'Get Along, Get Along Kid Charlemagne, Get Along Kid Charlemagne...'

And Everything was brought to a Head by Donald and Walter with the Final and Most Powerful line, which was a CALL and RESPONSE, where the Answer was given to us, CLEARLY...

'Is there Gas in the Car, Yes, there's Gas in the Car...'

To be fully ABEL to innerstand what Donald and Walter were saying, U need to know that when Owsley Stanley was finally to be arrested, he fled onto the I-5 Freeway in his Psychedelic Bus, as he was tipped off by one of his informants on the SFPD...but as he was heading towards Canada, his Bus RAN OUT OF GAS, and there it was, this Psychedelic Colored Bus, on the Side of the I-5, like a Giant Sign from God saying, Stanley's Way, the LSD/Drug Way was OUT OF GAS...however, within the Song, Donald Fagen answers the Call of 'Is there Gas in the Car' with the line, 'Yes, there's Gas in the Car...' Meaning, that the KID Charlemagne was out of Gas, or HAD NO OIL in his Lamp, while the REAL Jesus Christ had plenty of 'Gas in the Car', or Oil in the Lamp...

It is a GENIUS song by Steely Dan, one of the Best songs ever written, and there is No Better example of how much both Walter and Donald Loved Jesus Christ than this Song, and this whole album, the Royal Scam, where every song revealed that Society was nothing but an endless string of Lies...

So, what are U going to do? Look for the Cheat, and take Drugs to try and Cope with UR Madness, or will U do the Work, and follow the Teachings and Life of Jesus Christ to Truly become Risen by Walking the Righteous Strait and Narrow Path in Casting thy Net to the Right...

Choose UR Jesus, but Choose Wisely...

So, sit back, Relax, and Process this incredible video, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 80 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...So, if you are willing, we would be VERY appreciative if you could sign up Monthly, via PayPal (which works well in Mexico), or thru our Givesendgo page...for a one time PayPal Donation to our Animals,

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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