You Can Make Miracles Happen | Surrender | Serve | Manifest Miracles | Learn | Visualize | Knowing

2 years ago

Wayne Dyer is one of the best spiritual leaders there is. He laid the groundwork for others like Abraham Hicks and Joe Dispenza. He speaks to a group about 3 very practical ways to make miracles happen in your own life. He talks about working with Deepak Chopra about how to get what you really want. We are all connected to universal energy. This is lifechanging.

2:23 Surrender and detach
05:19 How May I Serve
10:50 First way to manifest miracles
26:55 We are part of infinite intelligence
28:55 Universal energy flows through you
33:19 Your life has a purpose
38:17 Beliefs and knowings
44:19 The examples of Jesus
45:13 Your thoughts are the beginning of everything
54:12 Alignment is critical mass
57:55 Humans have collective consciousness
01:01:05 Anything is possible when we believe
01:05:01 Learn to quiet your mind with meditation
01:11:12 Miracles happen when you are in the unified field

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