★ Hanging On The Telephone (Blondie) ★ FREE Video Drum Lesson | How To Play SONG (Clem Burke)

2 years ago

▶ FREE PDF Drum Sheet Music - https://www.drumstheword.com/hanging-on-the-telephone-blondie-clem-burke-free-video-drum-lesson-sheet-music/

00:00 Video Intro
00:59 Verse 1 & Chorus 1
05:03 Verse 1 & Chorus 1 Demo
05:31 Verse 2, Bridge 1 & Chorus 2
09:52 Bridge 1 & Chorus 2 Demo
10:19 Verse 3 & Chorus 3
13:10 Chorus 3 Demo
13:35 Verse 4, Bridge 2 & Chorus 4
16:19 Chorus 4 Demo
16:38 Video Outro

In this free video drum lesson, I want to teach you how to play the song "Hanging On The Telephone" by Blondie featuring Clem Burke on drums.

There is nothing super complicated going on in this song, it's just another example of Clem playing for the song but at a super fast tempo! Saying that though, we still get plenty of fun beat and fill ideas throughout the tune.

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To learn 100s of songs in FULL that feature these drum beats and many more then visit my website at www.DrumsTheWord.com.

▶ WATCH 100s FULL-SONG LESSONS - https://www.drumstheword.com

Thanks for watching and happy drumming to you!

(Drummer, Teacher & Owner)

YouTube LINK: https://youtu.be/Zf8exct2NAQ

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