Did Paul Contradict Jesus?

2 years ago

On today's episode we examine if the Apostle Paul contradicted the teachings of Jesus Christ. We see what the Bible teaches on this topic as well as what church history has to say regarding the potential contradictions of Paul and Jesus.

00:00 - 01:38 Start/Intro
01:38 - 03:41 The list of contradictions
03:41 - 13:11 Paul had no eye witnesses in his encounter with God on the road to Damascus
13:11 - 16:49 Paul has his own gospel
16:49 - 21:51 Paul had a extremely violent history which makes it hard to trust his account
21:51 - 25:19 Paul admits to being crafty and using guile
25:19- Jesus and Paul contradict on blood sacrifices and other doctrinal issues

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