2 years ago

Bruce Wayne and Batman.

Peter Parker and Spider-Man.

The Xbox Series S, Sirius X, and the PlayStation 5.

What are these all have in common? They're things that you typically do not see together. Well, until now.

On a recent trip to Walmart in Savoy Illinois, I had to get tires for my car. While I was waiting, I decided to peruse through the electronic section to see if there were any good gaming deals to pick up. Discounted 1Up Arcades, clearance games, that's sort of thing. Then I saw someone checking out with something that I've seen more and more recently, a God of war PlayStation 5. Okay, they had to pre-ordered it online or something, right? That's when I decided to head to the showcases.

This is not the store I typically go to, so I first wound up in the Xbox section. Out of morbid curiosity, I checked to see if they had any Xbox Series S or Series Xs in, and Il I'll be, they actually had a few of both! Xbox Series Ss are actually pretty easy to get a hold of now, even at a new, discounted price for the holidays. I've seen Xbox Series Xs in the stores for about 6 months now, mostly at GameStop but I've seen them at Target, and other Walmarts. Then it was time to peruse the PlayStation section.

And there they were!

This store had PlayStation 5s! I don't mean just one, I don't mean they were hanging out in the back room, they had five systems sitting in the showcase for people to purchase! Even when I got mine on launch, they did not have them on the floor, my GameStop had them in the back room and the employees went in back to grab them and bring them out. To see these in the wild like this was, frankly, wild!

I am glad to see that Sony PlayStation and Xbox fans are able to have a fighting chance to get their hands on the latest console of choice. It's also cool that they're getting bundles now as well for all systems if they want them.

Have you ever seen a PlayStation 5 in the wild? Frankly, have you ever seen a PlayStation 5? Have you purchased one? What about the Xboxes? Let me know down in the comments.

#shortsmaschallenge #shortsmas #playstation5 #xboxseriesx #PS5 #Xbox #Walmart #HolyGrail

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