Who are the Brunson brothers & why do they matter so much right now?

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Supreme Ct case to impeach Biden/Harris is gaining traction by the American people. This is one remedy by the people that can truly help secure our republic for future generations.
Letter here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vpq-CWbB7mAihrYbmFNVM0FDfIKKWWkg2Nt8HQSZ2oA/edit#heading=h.2g3zcc2b9jf6
video instructions here https://rumble.com/v205c8k--dec-11-2022-juan-o-savin-send-2-letters-wethepeople-must-do-our-part.html
BLog w/link to instructions, letters, videos about the Brunson brothers including performance on Johnny Carson. https://standuphumboldt.news/all-bloggers/f/12152022?blogcategory=Dee%27s+corner

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