(MIRROR) The Law was Nailed to The Cross Colossians 2 New Testament Bible Study

2 years ago

Original video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-Lhw8OiECM&list=PLstAKURZ5YBhqWAB1zA-6ovmM-z1nYtda&index=63&t=7s

Please! Visit Bear's channel and subscribe and like his video! Below is his description and details of the video!

Today on the Bear Independent show we're reading Colossians 2 from a Hebrew Roots whole Bible Torah perspective. Bear reads from The Scriptures version. This is a literal translation of the Bible in English. This translation differs significantly from most common English translations in that it has restored the original book order of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Tanakh, and restored the Name of the Most High, (יהוה) throughout.

Bear Independent discusses rational and prudent strategies and issues for preppers, homesteaders, and survivalists, and normal people looking to prepare for SHTF WROL TEOTWAWKI or natural disaster. Whether SHTF is economic collapse, pandemic, civil unrest, martial law, food crisis, civil war, food shortage, EMP or CME, black swan event, or whatever, a prepper needs to be prepared.

Regardless if you’re a Viking Preparedness prepper, Canadian Prepper, into city prepping, or just normal people, you need to be ready for SHTF WROL TEOTWAWKI, which is why we’re discussing this topic today. Common prepper concerns are bug out bag, bugging out in general, food storage, security, communications, emergency preparedness, homesteading, budget, gardening, bushcrafting, end times, Torah, get home bag, survival, EDC, and all the things we discuss at this channel.

Subscribe for weekly New Testament and Old Testament Shabbat Bible readings, updates on SHTF TEOTWAWKI WROL Survival Tips, Homestead Updates, Tribe or MAG Leadership, Gear Reviews, Gardening Tips, Real World Experience and a complete lack of third-party advertising and hypothetical doomer porn.

We believe at this channel that Yeshua is Messiah, that Jesus is the Christ, the anointed of YHWH. We teach and preach the prophets and the Torah of YHWH as given to Moshe (Moses) and retaught by Yeshua Messiah, Jesus Christ. It is our doctrinal foundation as Torah Observant Christians that we should keep the Torah to the best of broken ability, and not abuse the Grace of the atoning sacrifice of our Messiah Yeshua, Jesus the Christ; and that we become one with YHWH The Father through the Son, Yeshua Messiah. We are not militant Hebrew Israelites who have corrupted the words of YHWH The Father to suit their racial and political ideologies; we are whole Bible believers who keep The Way as taught by Yeshua Messiah, the Torah of YHWH The Father.

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My wife’s channel - HommyBiscuits! https://youtu.be/fKej912xdE4

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