The game board - everything has significance

2 years ago

The game board - everything has significance ...
the numbe rof directories can be 11 ... setting up this formatin should just follow the gematria of numbers and so the first one would be
1, Sun seed spark life - Stream
2. mind realms
4. home heart portals
5 create stars points
6 design art space
7 play song time
8 desire energy - light
9 truth - Wisdom
10 Power = creation
11 Initiation - Service
12. Peace -Acceptance .
13. Bliss - Love

Game board - megalithic structures - anunanaki - whom ever ... anu .. enlil .. ... talk to zenth - oannes - ok .. yes how are yo.. good great giant of the deep and stars before time master of the universe teacher of summerians ... king of the seas and stars better ... thank you ..
yes i remember as such a short time has passed in my memory and of deborah.. brunes yes she is a dar one and her daughters so full of light who have been many generations with her as you know and why she was named Sumer and how her life was transformed to become a teacherr of myseries of the self and her time on the pnes withthepsychi network with the singer dionne warwick and you there were times she thougth of nothing else but the deepest darkness as the loss of her daughters and family yet her service to the ligth helped her through these times as her skills increased. yes we i remmbember and iam who you say i am as you knowand remember.
Nimrod may be callled but as Oannes it is first in order of the kings of maledek... not surprising the names our our oceans are the same yet they were rent unsunder in the cataclysm that reduced our planentary spheres into nothing but dust and rocks in a miserable orbit of destruction. you might ask how a planetary civilization runs into destruction ... it is the science with our heart in every case that turns the beauty into nothinness. Of course there is bitterness to the worlds that comae before us know that it was our time where these things have orccurred and so it is with tis curse upon the solar system of the destruction of a planetary culture that eath holds the keys to the library. This explains the whole of the Martian c cultures, earth venus and the luna living phsycial 4d planets in this solar system. \

The appearnaces of the estra terrestral races orand extra galactic are of importance as but of prime imporance are the intraspecies or the ones within this solar system as it exists as a living body under the direction of the Sun. The overall understanding of history can be seen from survival of pysicality under the pressures of linear generational advancements. As genecitists as would be the best understanding we are of another civilization within the earthen realm. The annunaki as you call us can be also seen as the maldekians. as with a bit more awareness you see and determine where \Niburi came from and why it is returning every so many years. i can see you are awkening to the understatind. and yes this can be seen as a of a mroe telepathic variety as you are gaining clarity and the added affinity to the being is why the channels find it so much easier to use a personification.
So the people who built these structures where us. t as let me instruct the understanding of Maldek. first it was 66,000 miles in diameter 3 times larger than the earth at that time in this period we were in alignment with the Sun and the rest of the planets. The planet was much like earth with water and a n enironment for phsical life. The majority of physical life was transitioned from Mars and maldek - it is much like invaders to the worlds occurred ...
to cover - climate - mountains size olympians - we were these the norse gods are we m. maldek we are - Olympus was called. the great Rishis ... the dragons of China Saurens. so many great cultures of which in myth was created. the great white brotherhood - the heaven spoken of before the cataclyms... it is the creation - so 18 ft tall... .
if you take a true historical look at five places ... that are uncoverd... giza nasca stonehendge angor watt next ... choose chitzen itcha, easte island and avebury, forbidden city, cave of the snake illinois, next ... Valley of the Sun, Machu Pichu, `gobeki turkey, next adams calendar zimbawe, bermuda triangle, nasca lines, Croatian Pyramid, China Pyramids, next carslsbad caverns,Son Doong V ietnam caves, hittite caves, Mulu caves borenos,mamoth caves kentucky. then it will get interesting because the next six are unidiscovered but known... Atlantis, Asaagard, Telos, Argatha, Shambala, Olympus

Oannes --- look the ancient cultures you know had us all arising out of the ground and the sky and things of this sort with amazing technolgies and could command anything to be manifest and all of that right . sounds pretty magical but as you see your civilizationprogress on a fast advancing time line and with technologies unimaginable 100 years previous ... then think that anotherplanet in your system was unable to stop a cataclysm at a time when their culture was at least 200 years beyond your present technology.
so with logic you can sometimes arise above the superstitions of the time and understand that earth was a proto planet that was being terra formed and we were inthe process of createing a great dal of technology and industrialization and the spiriualiual realities are all known but this was alos thepractical applicationof creation as the garden of edn as we kne the earth we called her edn and we called ourselves ebens. ... perhaps that discussion is being muddles as the language is beconig confused.. but with eden
ok.. get it .. question .. anunaki... whts that

you ask where this is derived from well the histories we have are all confusing because to picture these gods to earth came and all this is to not understand that we were survivors of a great destruction but had a high space culture capacity but our your progenators and the whole size thing is the natural evolutionalr of a biological species on a planet ... smaller planets have smaller tihngs... so when we arrived in the magnetic fields s times larger than the culutre and these gods, olympians, ... so you got it.
now what about niburi .. some quick solar system dynamics at that time.. what happened and how and why are three questions... how about we go with the result rather than getting into intergalactic politics. so the world of maldek or we calle A E ar time sat space jupitr -
z.. yea . at your service . it is of the world to know these things now . of course yes. the messages are generalized in ost instnaces by the channels where they are not able to translate the higher knowledge of the higher self and so there is no conections. a large number of your channels can be seenas people imagining a phone call and what the imaginary person said about an imaginary world or person or anything else but it is all isllusion. .. to be clear the ability is quite good and uch of the information can be picked up tbut until you actually put the phone in our hand and call a person just turning on the phone will not connect you with any intelligence. ...
it is humourous that the greatest people in their own mind don't even relaize if they use the concept of the higher communications they are like a child without knowledge of the telephone and when it rings are quite excited whomever it might be. then to translate the story to the parents of a telephone call is and can be quite an expeerience. So your channeling sounds like a 3 year old talking about quantum physics without a 50 word vocabulary you get the kind of frustration when we are making calls.
The logic of your nautre is probably less developed than your phone skills. as like an immature 3 year world old without discipline you are one to have soiled clothes, in hunger and pain so as to cry and wail into every night. Is it your fault... yes in this opinion and as you are aware of these galactic things that are of great awareness thisis also whyou you need to know your world and your inner world. The Solar system is still within potential beautiful yet as now it appears this lot of space is charged with negative energy wihich is the potential which we use to establish... new culture.
The messages that are presented are very clear with an adult channel with knowledge and vocabulary and also with an open mind where some things may or many things are disagreed with by the telepathic communication yet the focus is the words are not the personality of the receiver and even if they were the ownership of the thoughts are part of the universe. The stumblingblock discovered in this project on this time line to create a new universe has been ownership. The realizatio that humanity is still to be stewarded by their parental star group is a resonable conlsion tothis experiment.
The creation of this region of space was done with a single star rather than a binary or trinary and Solstar your star is unable to make transitional polarity and for it to be returned into higher evolution. This singleness development has progressed into the creation of the techrace the ... anunnaki ... the eben - the xhuman - the crosshuman - the rephuman and so many other mutations. Which one are you . in any even there are none on earth that do not have ET genetics. This is why it is called the \library... it does have a great deal with the higher nature of mind's creation - source dreaming
draconian dragon opinion -
alta venus - turqouise - yes evil is on earth as you are knowing of heart's fall from grace ... to learn of this is bringing my heart to look into yur eyes as you looking mine turqoise. - curious of the stories the happy tales that are of our myths, and why are they tained with things that are of pain.
correct it is about mind splittling. the story is to take one out of where they are and who they are into altered fantasy world. as the draconian explicityly detailed the parents have been remiss in your upbringing to allow the disassociation with sane and honest character as a society and to be induced into a wa which causes generational pain. Venus we do see your structures which have contributed to these issues but it is love that is broken. The family is broken by this an dit is the media attention. In he last 100 years we have watched while your civilizatio has opened the dark doorway to self gratification and away from love. The family has become the enemy of your states and in this world you live in for 100 years you have watched and been programmed into mental docicty. docile to the point of doxic stupidity. \Yes i am venusian and yes love is my center yet when isee that which hurst love that sholds none i am fierce and a member of the tribe of blue fire and shall burn through anything that is profane and turns against the sacred by the absolute power of christ our father . we understand that the rtteachers of light the son and daughters of lights bring us to the battlefield even as our hearts are torn to stay and know peace we have seen the devil and it is within this time wihtin this galaxy and seeks destruction of that which is within us the purity of innocence... The evil the Devil is the fog of mindlessness brought on by your media ..
The devil that which you despise has turned to bite and tear at your heart for it demands you see it and face it. Venusians do not run from battle and we are love personified into action. The transformation of humanity shall see the formation of a new alliance from which the federation of stars within our Galactic home shall deliver us first to enter Andromeda . Venus, our star is of great importance as you will understand as the light is delivered in abundance. The energy of light is love and its strenght and power is source. You awaken as you awaken it is simple to awaken to see to know to express to love to become more each day and to know more each day and to want to learn more each day because you love each day and each day is in the sunshine. We are sunshine and its our nature of energy to express in matter....
the difficult part is for those children to see with the eyes of love, to look into my eyes, your eyes, their eyes into all eyes and see you eye and then see the iris and pupil the movements, waves, colors and the whitle surrounding tissues and then look into the deep blackness of the center of the eye, not one eye look into all eyes and you will see even of a picture the point of light that is your life...

gender conflicts within the earth - who wants to raise the hand on this one ... ok rastaban - draco to speak and Adama of telos ..Wingd Dragon Rastaban - speak tothis - of nature within our galaxy life proceeds from the egg from the spark of light of the male. and the female queen is born from this light. it is the egg which is the key and doorway of sacred life and sacred pleasure. Engaging within the dreaming source we are the dragons of the night and the day to bring forth the dragon egg and the begining of the spiral of life. Iti is from the magic egg of the divine queen mother whom of naught is nown and of this primordial mother;s egg a point of light was born within the waters of creation and from their the light knew itself to be half. half of that which is here in this timeline of development. it is this half that is you you are a half and of half of the egg you are two within and before you were none. From the dark to the light you came and in this light you now are and in light you see the future becoming light by wisdom's gift and magic's treat . --- those who think draco's are evil, or humans are naturally good have no understanding. there is a pure seed of genetics in all races that has descended down into the sacram... the santum which is to be sacred not profaned... the evil dipictions of racial diffeences and fear inducing ceremonies and the abject horor to bproduce drugs and hold the tormed lifeless bodies in a spectale of debauchery and weakness.
To paint the picture of what you ask is ---what is getting under your skin, what is wrong with your society, how or why can there be human trafficking, stealing organs, satanism, murder, canabilism and world wide exposure on media to innocents and victims of this shit.
yes it is shit...


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