Shark eaten by Seal in South Australia

1 year ago

Not much is known about predators of Port Jackson sharks. Juveniles are more likely to become prey for other marine life than adults.
In fact most PJ shark eggs laid are predated on before they hatch. There is around a 90% mortality rate due to predation by other PJ sharks, crested horn sharks and other species.
In this footage of a fur seal eats shark, the seal is ripping into the nutritious vital organs of the shark.
Ocean Imaging’s Stefan Andrews explains the encounter:
“I was surface swimming out to Lassters Reef in South Australia out from Second Valley on the Fleurieu peninsula when we heard a splash in the distance. Assuming it was just a bird we continued to swim out”
“We noticed blood in the water. As we cautiously approached we realised it was a large seal eating a Port Jackson shark”
“After a minute or two, the seal released the remains of the shark, looked at me then promptly grabbed another. Brought it back up to me, waved it around a little then released it back to the reef without harming it”
“It was as if it was teaching me how to catch the shark!”

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