It is the current of Light.

2 years ago

Become guided by Higher Intelligence. This Higher Intelligence is guided by the Teachers of Light. Bring forth this Greater Awareness!

We are the Teachers of Light and we come forth in this time. In this moment of time breathe in the light of the Central Sun . The sun shines forth into the minds of the Teachers of Light, who are here to bring forth the Grand Awakening into higher truths being downloaded into the Planet. The Teachers of Light are a collective of planetary teachers and those who operate within the aura of the Central Sun. They channel in telepathic communications, so that those that are willing and acceptable receivers understand the higher energetic vibrations that provide for communication and balance in the world.

The planets are inter-dimensional locational grid points that allow for the input of new evolutionary structure and expansionary development. The Central Sun is the home of the galaxy, it is the mind of the galaxy and in the mind of the galaxy are the teachings. The teachings are the codes and instructional patterns that are allowed to be brought forth into the world. They are allowed to be brought forth into the world because they are required of the evolutionary patterns to follow a consistent plan, the Divine Plan.

Humanity is living between the forces of Light and Dark, and is awakening to the Multidimensional World and leaving behind the illusion. Light is the messenger, it is that which brings to the world the evolutionary grid point where humanity rests upon this completion of this plan. In communicating a spontaneous breath of Light, the understanding of intelligence is allowed to operate with a complete entrainment to each individual point in space.

The Planet is the collective of humanity, whereas in each humanity there is a heart center which is a particle of Light. The particle of Light is the seed of the Light body that enables the human emotional field to build around this heart center and establish itself in a step by step Dimensional Light Body process of flow into ease and grace.

In each planetary system, in each human system, there is a time for action to activate a Light Body. There is a birthing, and in this birthing the emotional fields are connected through grids, and these grids are manifested by a connective mind into a culture which allows it to be unified and the planet moves up on a spiral, going through a Seven Dimensional hyperspace within a quantum space/time presence. This is all managed by a Central Sun matrix that allows for a radiant and intelligent expression of individual Light Bodies and it is a true meaning of how life upon a planetary polarized axis is engaged through a collective intelligence.

All planetary spheres are representations of human realities, and planetary spheres are related to the paradigm of existence, in that the music of the spheres is the essence of Divine Love Intelligence. It is the matrix of pure connective energy. It has the analogous elements of water; where water is connective and diffusive and absorbing and unifying. It allows for itself to be dispersed and collect. It is the current of Light.

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