How Does the BAUD work with the Auditory Canal

2 years ago

How the BAUD works with the Auditory canal. #SoundFrequency #Sound Healing 847-738-0242
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This is completely auditory, ordinary sound with two different tones, one in each ear. So,
it is a binaural device, but it's also a bit more. They will tune the activated frequency until
they feel a slight stimulation of that anxiety. And so, we found a frequency that helps to
stimulate that circuit. And interestingly, by the way, how does sound stimulate a neural
circuit? Well, it's converted into electrical signals within the auditory canal. And we know
there's actually two routes that that those signals take. One is to the auditory thalamus
conscious evaluation of a sound. So, you hear a rustling in the bush over there and
what is that? You consciously evaluate it, but the other is unconscious. Every sound we
hear passes through the limbic system and is evaluated by the amygdala, which is the
sentinel organ designed to perceive threat and create a fight or flight response. We
know that because we could be sitting here, and someone could throw a firecracker
behind us and we would duck before we knew what was happening. The same is true of
physical sensation. If we placed our hand on a hot stove, we'd pull it back before we
realized and consciously think it was hot because that's an instinctive self-preservation
response. So, we know there's a direct line from the auditory canal to the amygdala,
and that's what we're piggybacking on. This is a theoretical, but at this point we've seen
such dramatic change in the amygdala. We know we have a direct effect.

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