Are you Planting Seeds of Suffering or Seeds of Love? Listen to this.

2 years ago

Becoming a master gardener of our relationships, and ourselves requires us to learn how to become intimate with the garden of our consciousness.

Initially, the seed of mindfulness develops into a wholesome formation through the repetition of returning to whatever is happening in the present moment.

Everything that affects our consciousness enters metaphorically as a seed. The work of the master gardener is that of gatekeeper and protector of the garden of our consciousness.

According to Thich Nhat Hanh, “Our mind is a field, in which every kind of seed is sown—seeds of compassion, joy, and hope, seeds of sorrow, fear, and difficulties.”

Seeds refer to all the information that enters our awareness and gets stored in our consciousness. Using this awareness, think of a typical day.

What kind of seeds or information are you allowing to enter your consciousness via the media, people in your life, and your everyday conversations?

Enjoy this short episode on how to better care for the Garden of your mind and bonus meditative journey through Affirmations versus Affirmations.

You be the judge, which feels resonant to you?

Let's enter.

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