2 years ago


Did you know slot machines use the power of hypnosis to keep you gambling?
Incredible as it may seem slot machine manufacturers and casinos design slot machines to hypnosis you to gamble, stay gambling.... and to come back and gamble some more!
When you pull that lever and the lights and the sounds start up it creates a feeling of excitement and it sparks your imagination that you are going to win.... and much more.
100 years ago when slot machines first started they were very simple. You put your money in, pulled the lever and the 3 wheels span round and you either won or you didn't. They were regularly seen in bars and cigar shops and they became popular.
Now the big casino chains and the bookies have these advanced machines with lights and sounds that make you feel good even when you are losing!
But old or new, slot machines are just a game of chance.
Despite what some think they are simple random number generators which means every time you pull that lever you have the exact same chance of winning or losing.
The myth is that if you watch someone else on a machine losing money that it must be due a payout. So you wait for them to leave and then you jump on it and feed the machine waiting for that payout.

But that's not how it works. It's a random number generator so even if the gambler has lost 100 goes on the trot the chance of the next spin winning is EXACTLY the same!

It just gives you the illusion of control.... but there is none.

They are using hypnosis to make you gamble by using lights and sounds and music.... you know that music? It sounds like fun, childish music doesn't it. That because it uses a hypnosis principle of age regression to elicit a child like sense of fun in you..... they are hypnotizing you to gamble, and to keep on coming back again and again.

If you are in a casino they ramp it up even more because you can others occasionally winning and the crash of the coins being released. This hypnotises you even more to believe you can win.

But, you know what? You can't. The house ALWAYS wins. You know that. You have always known that but they have hypnotised you to gamble in spite of knowing that.

Here's the good news. If they hypnotise you to gamble, then the best way of stopping gambling is through the use of hypnosis.

I have helped people just like you break the addiction to gambling using the power of hypnosis.

If you are finally ready to stop gambling for good with hypnosis you can reach me here and arrange a free 15 minute zoom consultation where I can show you how I can help you take back control with the use of hypnosis. Click here to arrange this


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