was told F U not F Tredeau

2 years ago

went from going to the gym daily with my gf while living decent with 2 cars 2 dogs having dreams ans hope upgrading our education
living in a decent place working 36 hrs a week waking dogs 3hrs a day

to vets killing my 2 dogs
doctors destroying both my gf and my health and losing everything Now homeless while working 50hr a week no hope half a university degree and life is destroyed forever

thanks you canada Doug Ford , Justin Tredeau and all the MPs MPPs who helped both of these criminals


law enforcement
skilles trades master tradesperson

york U chem eng
microbiology dropped out 3.8 gpa

adhd High functioning autism

volunteer in politics for 8 yrs i think total

volunteer paramedic

homeless now

thank you tredeau

shelters are death traps

either get robbed
or get sick from all the mold and bacteria bc its a dirt hole
HVAC vents are black with slime hanging from return air
stinks so bad of BO in the bunk house that u want to vomit
that bacteria is airborne

food is trash
cant sleep unless u take fentanyl or herion which is why i guess ppl do

no hope in the shelter it is better and cleanee on the street or forest or in your vehicle

lost of homeless ppl hang out at Tims McDonald's, walmart , parks , shopping plazas and you wouldnt even know

rentals require 600 credit score or better up to 5 months up front and pay must be 3 times the rent per month

2300- 2600 1 bedroom
no mold no fleas and not as many stabbings in the hallway or staircase

anything under this you will have issues

2100 for apartment in the getto with subsidized hosuing taking up 40% of the building
not joking check it out at the Dog Patch if you know where this is

kinda like chaulk farm or the jungle or james park
the dells

so 2100 for 580sq ft in the projects where u can buy purple in the lobby

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