Oxsight Onyx Wearable Electronic Magnifier with Bari Azman | TEC Talk Live

2 years ago

Apologies for the audio quality on this one, apparently our sound settings were not set up properly! 😭.

Intro: 0:00
Jokes: 6:12
Bari Azman Introduction: 9:12
OxSight Onyx Discussion: 23:20
Outro: 53:45

Wearable electronic magnifiers are all the rage in the low vision world, and there's a lot of competition on the market right now. From eSight to IrisVision, from the Jordy to Vision Buddy, there are a lot of devices to choose from and each has its own benefits and drawbacks.

If you are a person dealing with a disease such as macular degeneration, these devices can be very helpful for assisting with watching television, reading, seeing people's faces, using a computer and more! In this video we explore a newcomer to the low vision wearable game - OxSight Onyx.

This wearable is exciting for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it comes in a small package that is very lightweight, making it more attractive and easier to wear for longer periods of time. Secondly, the price point is super competitive, retailing for less than $1800, a small price to pay when you consider some devices come in closer to $6000!

Check out the video to find out more about this exciting assistive technology device, and make sure to join us live on our next TEC Talk Live show, which are held every other Thursday at 11AM central. Register using the following link: https://vision-forward-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lDhTLaLBRnOnFKK-HxyDPQ

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