"Longbow 281" - APACHE UAP Footage First Edit

2 years ago

So I got my hands on this footage months ago, and have been tripping about it ever since. From the moment I was able to see the objects, I was fast off trying to get these objects to show up decent from the video obtained. Not an easy task.

These objects move unlike most objects - making some very fast turns, going so fast, they actually go in and out of being observed - is this a camera malfunction or some kind of alternative technology that has our cameras, having a difficult time picking it up - not to mention, we're in a helicopter that is touch to control in operation of the camera viewing the objects themselves. This was a great happenstance because of what the pilots state.

Could these be advanced drone technology being used to see how far they can penetrate into United States soil? or is this something else? It'll be hard to say for sure and I'm certainly not the expert that can even give you the details surrounding, speeds, heights, sizes and such - I'm just the guy who wants to try to bring out as much detail as possible.

Because I've been sitting on the footage so long - I've been messing around with it as much as possible. This was the first attempt to edit - providing different filters and such to see if more detail can be provided.

The moves of this one video shows - no matter how lousy in quality you may find it - is absolutely staggering!

I have to thank my boy Andy, whom obtained this footage and brought it forth, organizing an event and release of this footage, as well as sharing it with me, giving me the opportunity to attempt to edit it and bring out more details, for those who were going to watch it next, to see. While I think he ended up going with his own edited version to share to those parties involved ( which he did on a cell phone haha oy vey so funny how that can happen ) I'm still sincerely grateful to have seen this footage before the world, and often reflect on just how small the world can be sometimes. How magical, awesome and amazing my adventure has been covering this stuff personally as my own pass time and hobby. I'm certainly lucky to have met and spoken to as many people in the industry and community as I have, some of which I now even call friends. Here's the information surrounding the capture that the Debrief has obtained.

May 27, 2022 November 6, 2018, pilots of a U.S. Army AH-64 Apache attack helicopter encountered three unidentified aerial phenomena during a training flight in Arizona.
The video shows three unknown aircraft initially appearing to be flying in a loose triangular formation. The three unknown objects suddenly appear to rotate around each other, as if revolving around an unseen axis, all while maintaining a steady eastward trajectory.

Former U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter pilot Chris Lehto analyzed the footage and concluded, “it is without a doubt anomalous.” According to Lehto, “The tracking rate is exceptionally fast. Even if they are only a mile away, I calculate they go approximately 1.28M. Well past the speed of sound.”

“The circle-dance maneuver is just not possible,” added Lehto. “They do a full 360-degree turn in less than 3 seconds!”

In Lehto’s opinion, no F-16—nor any drone or other aircraft in the current known inventory of the United States military—is capable of what the objects are seen doing in the video. He judges that they display “a turn rate that is an order of magnitude faster than one of the fastest turning fighters on earth,” which he estimates to be above 70 Gs.

Link to Debrief YT Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oNIqlLXtLI

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