Boyfriend says misogynistic things like women who can’t have children are useless

1 year ago

Boyfriend (26m) says misogynistic things like “women who can’t have children are useless”

He has problematic views that bother me at times. The statement that was quoted in the title was said last night, and I was in such shock that I was stunned into silence. I didn’t talk to him until the next day, and he kept prompting me to respond. I told him that I’m choosing my battles wisely, and that I choose not to participate in that conversation. Because tbh, if you’re a grown person with that mindset, I don’t think a simple conversation is going to help you change your point of view. I don’t have the energy to beg a man to have more empathy for other women. As he shares more about the way he views women, my view of him is starting to change although he is a great boyfriend.

Since I told him that I choose not to participate in the conversation after he said that, he says, “since your feelings are so hurt, now I can’t share any of my thoughts with you. Now everything has to be sugar coated.” I want him to be able to share his thoughts and opinions with me but he needs to understand that I’m allowed to be offended when he says something offensive. What should I do?

Edit: Please be kinder to me. I didn’t intend on offending anyone but the overwhelming amount of criticism and hate that I’m getting is unexpected.

#reddit #TwoXChromosomes #tts

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