How to participate in the weekly Tulare County Amateur Radio Club GMRS EmComm Net

2 years ago

This is a training video explaining why and how our weekly Tulare County Amateur Radio Club GMRS Emergency Communications Net is conducted so new participants have an idea of what to expect and how to participate in it as this is not a common thing in GMRS yet. This is also useful for new participants in our 2m Amateur Radio ARES and SKYWARN nets as well.

For more information on the Tulare County Amateur Radio Club please visit:

TCARC GMRS "700" Repeater Details:

RX 462.700 | TX 467.700 (+5 MHz offset) | PL Tone 103.5 on send & receive (TSQL)

This net is conducted every Monday evening at 1930hrs.
ALL licensed GMRS operators are welcome and encouraged to participate.

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