The Revival Hymn

2 years ago

Description: This is a very powerful audio message that will stir your spirit for revival! Clips of following speakers included in this message: Ian Paisley, Leonard Ravenhill, Paris Reidhead, Duncan Campbell, A.W. Tozer, T. Austin Sparks. This is probably one of the most potent and powerful audio recordings on this entire site. You will be changed as you listen to this compilation.

Table of Contents
00:00 - Introduction Compilation
03:33 - Duncan Campbell - The Revival of Isle of Lewis
11:53 - Obsession - My Heart Burns for You (Song)
13:35 - Leonard Ravenhill -
13:50 - Paris Reidhead - Ten Shekels and a Shirt (Contrast Christianity and Humanism)
18:17 - Paris Reidhead - Ten Shekels - Meaning of Missions/ Evangelism (Glory of God)
23:04 - Paris Reidhead - Ten Shekels - Difference of 20th Century Preaching
24:30 - Leonard Ravenhill -
27:47 - Paris Reidhead -
33:20 - History of the Moravian Missions

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