What About those Thoughts and Prayers?

1 year ago

Thoughts and prayers are great but you must also move your feet!

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Greetings Earth Family,

Some of you may know me from my bi-monthly column in Cosmic Ani’s Monday Messages.


For the rest of you, let me introduce myself.

I first came to planet Earth over 7,500 years ago to help build a stone circle in a land known nowadays as Armenia. Since that time, and for the sole purpose of helping humans with cosmic and spiritual alignment, I have made over fifteen trips to Earth, each visit lasting approximately two hundred years.

My name is an abbreviation of Na-Zook, a name given to me by the locals on my first visit to Armenia. On a subsequent trip, I learned that Na-Zook means a soft and yummy pastry! I suppose I should be grateful they didn’t try to eat me.

While I do make the odd landing on Earth’s surface, mainly in Wales and Oregon, my primary objective is to orbit in my space ship, Jelly Bean, and to beam love, wisdom and compassion.

It’s not always easy. Humans are certainly a stubborn race and easily distracted but I persevere because I would love to see mankind awaken and join the Universal Fellowship of Source Aligned Planets.

I hope you enjoy my weekly words of wisdom, guidance and inter-stellar tidbits.

Until we meet again, stay in the pink!

Hey Peeps!
I make these videos on my own dime to promote social awareness, to encourage We the Peeps to share ideas and opinions. Without open, civil discussion, we cannot build a better world. We need space to share, to declare and above all, we need to relearn the importance of discussion for the sake of evolution, not for the sake of winning an argument.

All donations are gratefully received.

PayPal: https://paypal.me/AniAvedissian?locale.x=en_US

If you do not wish to use PayPal, my mailing address is
Ani Avedissian
P O Box 714
Wilsonville OR 97070 USA

Thank you and may your generosity be returned one thousand fold.

Website: http://aniavedissian.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teapotani
Blog http://aniavedissian.blogspot.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/cosmic_ani

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