Remote Viewers are responsible for their mental health

2 years ago

At The Ascension Center we approach remote viewing and other methods of accessing nonlocal information from the perspective and functioning of the Subconscious mind.

That is why we pay special attention to the mental health of the remote viewers and XR practitioners that train with us and eventually join our different operational teams.

I always tell my students that one “bad” target has the potential of wrecking their remote viewing ability, and that engaging with targets from unknown taskers is pretty much comparable to playing russian roulette with their own Subconscious.

As remote viewers we are required to be blind to the targets, so knowing your tasker, and most importantly trusting them, is very important.

On the other hand, and also very importantly in our opinion, is that the tasker needs to be able to trust the remote viewer, not only in their ability to do the job, but that they are able to work a target without any potential triggers.

If you have undisclosed/unresolved trauma, phobias, etc, you are not only risking yourself and your ability to access nonlocal information. You are also risking both your employer and the party that might take action based on the data you have provided through your sessions.

Remote viewers are responsible for taking care of their mental health. Period.

In this video, Linda Sevilla, co-founder of The Ascension Center and Probable Futures Consulting, talks a little bit about this issue.

We hope you find this information useful.

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