1913 Orange, Pecan, and Raisin Cake

2 years ago

Fifty-Two Sunday Dinners (1913)
Elizabeth O Hiller
1/3 cup Cottolene.
4 teaspoons baking powder.
1 cup fine sugar.
¾ cup milk.
3 eggs unbeaten.
Grated rind of half an orange.
1 cup pecan nut meats.
½ teaspoon cinnamon.
2/3 cup raisins.
¼ teaspoon mace.
2 cups pastry flour.
¼ teaspoon salt.
Process: Cream Cottolene, add sugar gradually, stirring constantly; add eggs, one at a time and beating each in thoroughly before adding another. Pass nuts and raisins through meat chopper, then mix with flour sifted with baking powder, salt and spices; add alternately to first mixture with milk, beating constantly. Turn mixture into a well-greased tube pan and bake thirty-five to forty minutes in a moderate oven.
Did we eat them? Yes
Would I make them again? Yes
Notes: I only had pecan butter. Is used that instead of pecans.

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