Mother of Sex Trafficking Victim tells her story and talks about how parents can stop this crime

1 year ago

In this episode of TishTalk, I speak with Lynda Harlos, a mother of a rape and sex trafficking victim. Lynda tells the horrible of story of how her daughter was drugged and then gang raped at a party which led to her becoming pregnant. The stigma of teen pregnancy caused her friends to reject her and she feel into a deep depression. From there a kind person who was at school, starting courting her and eventually became her boyfriend. This person used progressively abusive techniques to cut her off from family and then started to use threats to coerce her into being used by others. She didn't realize she was being sex trafficked until years later after she had escaped and been able to process the physical and emotional trauma. Having been raised in a family of faith, Lynda's daughter broke free of the abuse and has had the incredible courage and strength to come forward with her helped her Mom launch a book and program to educate parents and teens on how easy it is to fall victim to sex traffickers tricks. Lynda has written a book and has a website ( where she offers parents practical tools and video training to help them parent teens and stay connected so their children do not turn to untrustworthy strangers when they are in distress.

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