Marlee’s Menstrual Cycle STOPPED for over 300 Days. We restarted it in 2 weeks!

2 years ago

Marlee was forced to receive a medical intervention in order to continue her college education. After receiving them, she stopped getting her period. It had been nearly 300 days without a period when she came to Naturally Unbridled. We recommended a selection of herbs, supplements, and remedies and she started cycling again within 2 weeks. She continues to have regular monthly cycles and is making great progress toward not needing our support.

French website about this issue: (English translation available)

The information presented here is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prescribe for any disease or condition. Always consult your healthcare provider, elected official, media personality, learning institution, or employer when deciding if a medical intervention is right for you.

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