God is fed up with dead churches, wicked and America

2 years ago

God is very very angry and over it with the wicked who push their gay sodomite junk sinful lifestyle all the time, He is sick of abusers hurting women or anyone they want and the victims suffer and get no help at all, He is sick of the dead churches who do not care about the abused or anyone at all but themselves, their Christmas pagan junk and they are so dead and Jesus would rip down the Christmas junk turn tables over in churches today if He was on earth, the early church did not celebrate Christmas, Christmas Eve, Easter or any pagan holidays, they were killed in Rome by Nero for refusing to worship Roman pagan gods and keep pagan holidays called saturnalia which was a roman pagan feast on December 25 and Romans got drunk, naked and ate so much and worshipped Saturn their pagan god, the early Christians suffered persercution and true believers still are being persercuted, a lady in Nigeria was killed because she was not Muslim!! True believers are being persercuted right now not the plastic lukewarm phony church people and pastors!! They are wretched, pitiful, blind and naked in Jesus eyes , Jesus was born in September not December, there are no sheep out in Israel in December!! Mary and Joseph had to walk from Nazareth to Bethlehem and winters in December in Israel are cold!; So they did it in September not December, the Christmas tree is from Germany, gifts from England, the food comes from pagan Rome when Romans ate so much food they made themselves sick, God told the Israelites after they left Egypt do not worship other nations pagan feasts and idols for I the Lord will become angry with you and get rid of you, that is why God sent Babylon to destroy jersalem because they rejected Him and worshipped Ishtar, baal and killed prophets and kept Jeremiah in a jail and the Babylonians killed the Jews in Jerusalem, took Daniel and his friends as slaves and blinded king zedikiah and killed his son's as judgement from God, America will get the same treatment, Russia, Iran, China and north Korea will invade America and kill everyone they see and will take prisoners of war and will destroy America with missiles and nukes as America judgement for rejecting God

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