Algorithmic Keyword Systems is indicated by the acronym AKS

1 year ago

During this intermission the Regional News from Riusm showed recent exhibits, schools and sporting events. There was a sameness to it as it always was but in a picture of the City there was a new building under construction unlike the towers of the corporates, municipal buildings or the Solian Sanctuaries. There was one new structure standing within a park like setting within view of the central city skyscape. Its look was very different and in that moment Rysa looked at it with interest. Not something he has had much of while working at AKS.

With few exceptions all workers lived in the buildings where they worked. The convenience was considered important and each job had a hierarchial level of importance. The higher in the building the more prestige and credits were given to the server. Rysa was a 7 th level Public Sector Server and in his affiliation with the company his ordinance was in the Public Sector in Communications Division of the Language District. His Advocate was Casope or Milbrus depending upon the negotiations. He did not know the Dictate from the Confederation he belonged as it seemed to change as the industries battled for leverage with the Advocates. The Corporate Mandate of AKS he reported to was Siklon.AKS.040207. Rysa’s designation was Rysa.AKS.070209. All was well ordered within the corporates.

Rysa moved through the 7 th level resident hall to elevator to return to his square in the upper level of the AKS building. The ride was quick and again he felt nausea from speed of the ascent. He thought perhaps he should eat something. But again the intuition told him to keep quiet and avoid notice.

Attending to the business of translating words and feelings into a digital achromatic format was time consuming and involved high level functional mathematics to cross reference and avoid overlaying corruptions. The multi-dimensional aspects of the world of human consciousness made it very intricate to perform the dissection of each emotion, thought and memory.

The Arcanum project has never been spoken of by the Advocates. It is a black project being funded by the confederation AKS is directed by. Rysa has never every even spoken directly to the Dictate nor knows the ultimate purpose of the processor he is working on. There are others working on the adaptation of his work and also the hardware which it will be used with.

Again his intuition has been enhanced by this work as a Cognizant. Rysa seems to be finding within the language and the decoding of feeling a central strand of intelligence behind the language. As the periods go by where he avoids eating or drinking he has become noticeably thinner and pale. Since his work is out of the general current of AKS no one seems to be monitoring him in his activity.

. AKW is a nationwide communication systems producer of keyword systems. Algorithmic Keyword Systems is indicated by the acronym AKS. My job is called a Cognizant and in it I redesign language through the AKS system that is an Achromatic Mnemonic Processor. Language it seems has become more and more difficult to deal with from the standpoint of the Dictates and the Advocates have issued an Executive Dictum that has established AKS.

All corporations, businesses, companies and projects are controlled and directed through the Advocacy, the four leaders. The Arcanum project I am working on is held in greater secrecy than most. Everything I do is monitored and all my actions are watched. I am not the only Cognizant in the development of the project. I was even told the Terminus himself has been watching and monitoring my progress closely.


There was a strange calm in the offices as Rysa left his square. The activity of the evening seemed much lighter. Generally there were many people always rushing about with things to do. It was as if there was a major event occurring and Rysa was not invited.

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