Ukraine Destroys Whole Village. Less Then 1% of Population remains

1 year ago

For the last 8 years of the War in Ukraine, Ukraine has been firing on civilian areas In the Russian-populated areas of Donbass in a territory they do not control. This is a fact but you will never be told about it by the western mainstream media. In this report I show you a village,near Donetsk, that had a population of about 2200 people before the war but now only 18 residents remain. This is because of the attacks by Ukraine forces on the buildings and infrastructure of the village. Right now they have no Electric, Gas, or Ruining water. Still, there are daily attacks by Ukraine forces on their village. Attacking civilian areas is wrong no matter who is doing it. The fact that the western media ignores these people is a horrible reflection on society as a whole. I am not and can not be in the west of Ukraine, Kiev, Odessa so I can not show you what happens there. I have been reporting from Donbass for the last 8 years and have been doing my best to show you the facts that I see about what is happening here. The western media will not show you the facts that are not positive for Ukraine. Don't think it is because they cant. They can. For example, Reuters has had local cameramen employed on this side of the contact line for 8 years but the agency refuses to report on the war crimes committed by Ukraine. Will the world correct this problem in the media or will be led like sheep forever?

Like all my reports this reportage has full English and Russian Translations

#RussiaUkrainewar #Russia #Ukraine
Report by Patrick Lancaster
US Navy veteran and independent crowd-funded journalist.
I show what the western media will not show you.

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