Fall Festival 2022 | Day 1

2 years ago

Welcome to this year's Grace Company Fall Festival!
Here's today's schedule:

11:00 AM - Live Kickoff - Join us live as we play games, announce our festival line up, giveaway prizes and announce our Pre-Registration Winner!
11:30 AM - The Home-Based Quilter - A Special Event
12:00 PM - New Product Reveal! - The Grace Company is excited to announce our newest Grace line, officially launching in October! SHHHH.... it's a secret!
12:15 PM - Stipple Made Simple - Whenever we hear the word stipple or even think about it we get so anxious, however stipple can be simple & ENJOYABLE! Join Jackson as he breaks down stipple into easy & Achievable steps along with showing various applications for stipple including around appliques!
12:30 PM - Moon Over the Mountain Book Cover - Watch Amanda create a quilted book cover based on the traditional block, Moon Over the Mountains. Amanda will use a Cutie frame and a 19x elite machine to applique directly onto her quilt. Then she will use QuiltMotion automation for the quilting and cover a cardboard binder with the quilt.
1:00 PM - Mid Day Live! Let's take a break for some fun games and giveaways in this Mid Day Live!
1:15 PM - Falling for You Quilt Pattern - Let’s make the Falling for You Quilt! Watch how easy it is to cut and trim all the fabric with the TrueCut cutting system! Once we have the quilt top assembled, follow along with your Quilter’s Creative Touch 5 Software to quilt this project to perfection! You will love this pattern and quilt kit because it’s perfect for this fall season.
1:45 PM - The Navajo Quilt Project
2:00 PM - Trent's HBQ Story
2:15 PM - Quilt Show Picks - Join us as we reveal the Top 5 Quilt Picks from our Quilt Show submission from these Grace Employees!
2:30 PM - Day One Closing Live - Join us as we wrap up Day One of our Fantastic Fall Festival!

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