A Sherlock Holmes Story Where No One Accepts Dorsey Is The Assassin

2 years ago

website https://freewordandfriendsworld.altervista.org/

This is a Sherlock Holmes Story where no one understands who’s the guilty one because too many base their theoremas on a wrong basis: that Trump must be innocent and Jack Dorsey and the official owners of Twitter Shares too: the assassin of free speech has to be the DHS and even if Trump was President in 2020 when the “election was stolen” and even if the Directors of the DHS (there’s more than one) were Trump appointed and Republican card owners, it has to be “the Deep State as DHS controlled by the Democrats” the same. Because if it is the DHS between 2018 and 2020 it operated under the direction of Nielsen and Wolf and their guilt would be Trump’s responsibility since he appointed them and could remove them and this… contradicts the accepted premise that Trump must be innocent in any case even if President, and unaware of everything. He and Jared.
What if the premise if false? What if Trump is responsible of his 4 years tenure like Obama of his 8? Because the concept of Deep State as permanently Democrat even when the Republicans control White House and Senate as in 2016/2020 is prejudice of power towards the Democrats and prejudice of despair for the Republicans; if Nielsen and Wolf and Ken Cuccinelli “our” Ken Cuccinelli, therefore Trump, are innocent even occupying the positions of DHS Director and DHS Vice-Director and US President the Deep State goes down to be handled by mid-level officers Trump doesn’t know who they are and that happen, in this theorema, to have more power than the DHS Director and than the President, but is it realistic? And who are they? These faceless, nameless mid-ranking officers more powerful than the President? Name them and shame them. Tucker found ex DHS officers hired at Twitter but they can be hired by the Directors Board that was controlled by Vanguard, BlackRock and Elliott Management that are controlled by leftwingers like Larry Fink or Jesse Cohn in fact Dorsey says that he was pushed by the owners of the big chunks of shares to do the purge and at a certain point understood he had to leave, but this is only a hardcore capitalistic story: the owners who bought the shares forced him, because they put the money, not the DHS. The DHS was interested in fighting terrorists eventually and then why Jared Kushner who was actually Trump’s Vice-King could sack anybody he liked together with Pompeo at the State Department but he does not amount to Deep State? Ah because the premise is that Trump and his family are innocent, again you are basing your assumptions on the wrong premises that Trump and Jared are always innocent and Obama is always guilty. As if Trump and Biden weren’t handed the same power Obama had.
So Big Tech, according to this theory, is just a mouthpiece for the Deep State in fact and the Deep State is always Democrat, and why Dorsey is now spending money and working on BlueSky and Signal that should be uncensorable and allow communication without filters if the Deep State controlled him at Twitter, doesn’t it control him now at BlueSky?
And Elon Musk bought Twitter from whom? From the Deep State or from Vanguard, BlackRock & Co? Why did he buy it for $44 bln if the Deep State that in this theorema controls Vanguard controls him too?

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