The Identified Masterpiece Of God: William Branham's Racist Sermon

2 years ago

In William Branham’s 1964 sermon, The Identified Masterpiece of God, Branham publicly admitted his position against the integration of races in the public school system. The “Masterpiece” created by God, according to Branham, was one that separated instead of united. While the United States was strongly divided on the issue of racial segregation, Branham claimed that “God is a segregationist”, encouraging those who were discriminating against people with black skin.

In that same sermon, Branham listed the founding fathers of the nation from the early pilgrims to George Washington to modern times and claimed to be identified with them. To be an American, Branham said that he “stood with” all of the historical figures in America. When Branham walked his listeners through history into the Civil War, he did not stand with the leaders who fought to abolish slavery. Branham identified with Stonewall Jackson, the Confederate General who fought to keep slavery. When Branham talked about “standing with” Jackson, he made sure to tell his listeners that he “stood with him in his convictions”, reaffirming his position in favor of segregating the public schools.

Some followers of Branham’s “Message” cult of personality view this sermon as literal, and believe that Branham literally “stood with” the biblical and historical figures in “spirit form”. Not realizing that Branham’s sermon was intended to incite anger against people with black skin in the United States fighting for freedom, cult members also identify “standing with” the men Branham named in this and similar sermons — not realizing that they, too, are being identified with white supremacy.

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Now, God, the Word, in the beginning, He was independent from all other, everything else, all other people. Now, I don’t mean to say this to be different. God is a segregationalist. You know that? You talk about intregration? God’s a segregationalist. He certainly does. He separates His people from the world. He separated Israel, His nation. He is trying to separate His church from the world, but the church wants to go on with the world. But His people is still segregated, segregated to Him. Who is He? The Word.
64-1205 - The Identified Masterpiece Of God
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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