Human Cloning ! 60 Minutes - Rael & Raeliens Movement

2 years ago

60 Minutes - Rael & Raeliens Movement Are Cloning Humans & PLAYING GOD....This isn't Alex-Jones...this is 60 Mins....and it's old, so where are they now....probably trying to play god but making mindless bio-robots that need elons nuerolink to even talk.....How is this even ok to fund and hold high praise to? Between Bill Gates and This Dude and the rest of the WEF and Their fkn Lil Yuval Noah Harari, I'm really seeing whos all in the about you?...things that make you go hmmmmm thank god they are all weaklings....But to hide their side motives behind the hippie like love all talks, is very wicked....and stinks of demons who are such great actors of loving all life....of a certain kind...

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