but of course i'm a front man

2 years ago

women should read the Bible, fold laundry, and drink coffee
i'm His elect, God's Army
i'll just draw whatever i want on myself at the time
those tattoos are still there regardless
sex is weird and i am grossed out by it
you wouldn't talk about it if that weren't true
sorry if i am boring you
i dunno how i could work w/ anyone
i know that it can only get worse
sad and depressing smoking weed at that podcast
things aren't what they were before
i know i should be used to this
psychosis happens in western societies
just stare at tupac he's beautiful
dadadadadada it's not as bad as it could be
i practice keyboard whilst driving
i don't do things in the same way
is it better or worse
even in some ways i'm towering above everybody else, i'm still not better
the Creator is the One who put me up here
acknowledge the One who made you and that any point He can take it all away from you
what do you want me to do
medication isn't good and it doesn't even work
too resiliant to all their ways, i think that's a virtue
i actually remind myself of fiona apple, my hero
even when i insisted on getting away cos i just wanted to self-destruct
so lucky that i get this the way that i get this
i just wanna promote what matters in a way you've never heard before
this is not gonna come out pure
slightly better but still not good
adding is better than subtracting
no way i could eat all that stuff on my plate in due time
no way i could do all that i hope to convey to the world (but mainly to myself)
schizos are known for double bookkeeping
don't be boring amy that's the same shit
this is the same thing we were just doin i swear
anyone in psychosis is gonna fight this
it's Righteous Judgment, no mean spirit
i can't help myself and tear everybody down
ag is yer fave liberal conservative anarchist, we're ALL OF IT
we party heartily
we followed instinct instead of the way of the world
i understand a lotta things
it's just Wisdom from His Kingdom
beginners stage
ICONS kiss them vortex
my clock out slip, 333 magic number
i'm not a pagan, God was the original One fucking w/ numbers
we just find it interesting is all

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