ANGELA STANTON 4 | SALT: below 1200mg: die! Ideal: 4500 to 6500mg Heart trouble? 4000mg

2 years ago
presents episode 641 | Dr Angela Stanton
NutritionwithJudy podcast

Judy Cho: some people's bodies hold onto
salt, even though they are not overeating it...
-chronic fatigue syndrome can cause this
"If you take the amount of sodium that your
body actually needs, that is okay"
-migraine because I ate cake...
~did not really NEED sodium, kicked body out of balance
~water & salt that was in cells until glucose kicked it out
went into edema [body retains water]
~due to taking salt in the wrong way

If start with high adrenaline,
so cannot take extra sodium,
adrenaline will increase only with more salt;
but, it intake potassium with it, okay
"If you have a health issue, you have to
modify what you eat...
especially if your condition is senstive to nutrients;
and most are"

Judy Cho: Those on low carb diet ask me
how much salt to take in?
Dr Stanton: I don't go by 'to taste' because
many of my migraine patients are
super tasters!
"I prefer to take my salt in a pill"
-some people may like salt too much, so
then they eat too much

There are studies [BMJ, Lancet]:
on sodium for non migraine people:
2 groups [heart problems; no heart problems]
-ideal sodium STARTS at 4500mg
[USDA currently is 2300mg]
-if go below 4500mg heart disease risk goes UP
-if down to 1200mg you will die
-curve has a very, very long tail to 12k mg sodium still OKAY
-above 1200mg to 25k mg 'nothing happens to healthy folks'
-4500 to 6500mg was the ideal level
-some actually increased the lifespan by eating more salt!
-for cardiovascular compromised: 3500 to 4000 mg ideal


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