Why Goals & Dreams Matter - Your North Star

2 years ago

The power of goals & dreams are ENORMOUS!

The difference between those who have goals & aspirations VS those who don't is very noticeable.

Having BIG goals in life helps to push you in times of hardship. They give you inspiration, drive, passion, energy, a light in your eye, & make you jump out of bed in the morning. Goals are your North Star in life. They give you drive in what you do, how you do it, and why you do it!

Those who go about life with no goals, no dreams, no BIG aspirations will have difficulty with energy, passion, commitment, drive & more. They will have no reason to get up in the morning & no sense of accomplishment because there is nothing to achieve. There is NO NORTH STAR!

So... create BIG goals, dreams, aspirations! Write them down constantly. Look at them constantly. Feel what it feels like to have them & to be in the process of achieving them! GET AFTER THEM!

Learn more: https://hoo.be/theperzpective

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