=AQWorlds= $50 USD/10k AP PRIZE REWARD | 3v3 TOURNAMENT SIGN UPS | AQW PvP Community

2 years ago

AQW PvP Community Discord: https://discord.gg/BFaXYAu4f8
DM 1cShen#7007 or Mace#6178 for questions about the Classic PvP format & tournament.
#AQWorlds #ArtixEntertainment #pvp


+6 Enhancements are banned.

Damage boosts are banned.

Potion & Scroll Banned.

Refer to Class list and only use allowed classes.

Only one stun class is allowed per team. (SL, Warrior, Ninja, DMK)

Do not camp for more than 10 seconds in your own Brawlers / Restorers as a team.

If any player is glitched, the wave will be voided. So make sure to have a recording of the bug.

If you relog, please ensure you communicate that with the opposing team. Relog together.

Do not Safezone or Suicide before a player dies. If you do, the enemy team gets +1 point.

If you Roof, you can leave and come back with no penalty. However, your teammates cannot Safezone until at least 1 player has died.

Once your team agrees on a class lineup, you can't swap classes.

You are only allowed 2 swaps per round. (Swap includes class swaps, weapon swaps, and enhancement swaps)

Do not enter Restorer 2 (Including enemy). Do not enter your own Brawler 3, until a player dies. (Check Clarifications)
Each team gets to decide the server one of the rounds takes place. In the case of a 3rd game, Players will play the game on Swordhaven (EU). The team with more NA/SEA players will have the final say on the class lineup. If most players are from NA, Round 3 will be played on Safiria.


If you are caught trying to gain an unfair advantage, your entire team will be disqualified from the tournament. So please double and triple-check to ensure you are abiding by the rules.

In Semis/Finals the format will change from 2 rounds + Point system. To a best of 3.

If the enemy team rushes your Brawler 3 off a fresh wave, you are allowed to hop in and out of your own Brawler 3. However, Safezoning is still banned until at least one player dies.

Punishment for not abiding by the R2 & B3 rules are as follows:
First strike +1 point to the opposing team. Second strike + 5 points. The third strike DQ.
Strikes will not be reset until the end of the tournament.

0:00 Intro
1:52 Class Pool & Rules
5:14 How To Signup

Newest Ranking List from AQW PvP Matrix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltX2iy76Vco
EU PvP Server: https://discord.gg/fJJVumC9zJ

non op , 4311 , classes , doomarena , bludrutpvp , bludrutbrawl , chaosbrawl , dage , nulgath , enhancement , potions , korey , nobody , aummon , ricochet , Maicompdr , aqwmv , xyo , clonuk , shaxi , kamran12 , redzonetrooper , top pvp list, 100 , 50 , 30 , 10 , battleon , yulgar , alina , vesper , beleen , moglin , dragonfable , mechquest , AE , herosmash , heromart , deady , pets , helm , weapon , AWE , blade , armor , cape , houses , AQ3D , aq2d , mobile , unity , flash , guild , clan , recruitment , beta , alpha , calender , chrono , VHL , DoT , VoT , chunin , CAV, chaos avenger , mage , pyromancer , undead goat , NOT A MOD , lebot , botting , private server

Rok Nardin - Blood Moon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWIUfsJvqMc

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