The IAAPA 2022 REVIEW - Talking The Latest Arcade Games

2 years ago
262 - A month after the IAAPA 2022 event took place, I'm here to discuss in detail what new arcade games appeared and answer your questions about what I saw and played. It's a ton of games so buckle's a list of some of them:

Arcana Heart 3 xtend (exA-Arcadia)
Asphalt 9 Legends Arcade VR (LAI Games)
Bond 007 (Stern Pinball)
Box BlitzX1/Hit The Green (Kalkomat)
Bridge Man (Coastal)
Bumper (Slim Luke Games/Coastal Amusements)
Carnival Cups Crane (Touch Magix)
Carnival Cups Street (Touch Magix)
Crazy Rafting (Wahlap/Sega Amusements)
Dead Heat Unleashed (Bandai Namco Amusements)
Dinosaur Era (Coastal Amusements)
Donut Dodo Do! (exA-Arcadia)
Drone Racing Genesis (Sega Amusements)
EXA ARC-1 Cabinet
Fast & Furious Arcade (Raw Thrills)
Football Frenzy (VRStudios/Creative Works)
Galaxy Ranger (Ace/Coastal)
Gold & Mace (Boxblaster VR)
Guns ‘N Roses: Not In This Lifetime (Jersey Jack Pinball)
Halo: Fireteam Raven Assault Model (Raw Thrills)
Hawt Pink Club Cabinet w/Bad Ass Babes Kiss
Jitsu Squad (exA-Arcadia)
MegaBlaster & SpaceWarp 66 Linked (Touch Magix)
Minecraft Dungeons Arcade Series 2 (Raw Thrills)
MotoGP VR (Raw Thrills)
NFS Heat Takedown (Adrenaline Amusements)
Pac-Man Chompionship DX (Bandai Namco Amusements)
Playbox 4-player (Playmind)
Sailor’s Quest VR (UNIS)
Shinorubi Pink Label (exA-Arcadia)
Sniper Strike II (Amusement Source Intl.)
Spongebob VR Coaster (Rilix)
Step ManiaX DLX (Step Revolution)
Storm Racer 2 (Sega Amusements)
Synth Riders (VRsenal)
Touhou Perfect Sakura Fantastica (exA-Arcadia)
Toy Story 4 (Jersey Jack Pinball)
Qube (Triotech)
Virtual Rabbids: THe Big Ride Ultra HD (LAI Games)
Warlords Remake (Atari/Retro Arcade Remakes)
Zombie Bowling (Amusement Source Intl)
Zombie Land (Coastal)
Zombieland Headshot Fever (VRsenal)

Other things:
Augmented Reality Darts (501 Fun/Sega)
F1 Racer (Unsure of the company and the exact product name but it was quite impressive)
FlashPads (Battle Company)
Game of 1000 Boxes
Ghostbusters VR Academy (Hologate)
Limitless VR (Creative Works)
Sisyfox ball game (Sisyfox)
Spree Interactive
Springboard VR
Zombie game on Hyperdeck

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