My Theory on the Democrat's Long Game and Why Trump Can't Beat It.

2 years ago

By now so much horrible information is finally leaking out about the destruction created by the COVID Vaccine. Trump continues to praise it, saying that it is one of his biggest accomplishments. If he does get the nomination, the information that about the Vaccine that is not being reported in the MSM will all of a sudden become relevant and they will lay it all in his lap. I appreciate the good things that Trump has done, but the COVID Vaccine and giving the Big Pharma and Fauci all that power was not the best move. The Democrats will take advantage of Trump's error and use the sudden deaths, heart problems, and other problems at his feet. He seems oblivious to this danger and is not aware of this possibility.

DeSantis on the other hand does seem aware of this potential plot. Today he announced a team, possibly inter-state, that will look into all things COVID. If DeSantis can get ahead of the MSM/DNC on this, the Republicans will still have a shot at winning... if not, Trump will be the nominee and he will lose badly. What he does not realize is that he staunchest supporters are also anti-Vaxx. When they get blasted from every side that their greatest fears were realized, enough will turn on Trump. The only way for Trump to save this now is to recognize what's coming and get ahead of it like DeSantis is doing.

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