Tattoo Critique Episode 10

2 years ago

Have you ever wanted to submit your tattoo work to hear another artists thoughts?

I am very excited to kick off this new critique series with Critique Episode 10 for you all!

Now the name critique may sound a bit harsh and maybe even intimidating, however the idea behind this series is NOT to shame, bash, laugh, or tell anyone they should not be tattooing, or anything like this.

As most of you know I myself am at the beginning of my tattooing journey while being an artist essentially since as long as I can remember. So I won't sit here and tell you what you need to be doing, what you have to do, what you outta be doing. What I will do is share what I would do to advance the tattoos submitted give practical approaches on what I would do or how I would approach this aspect of the tattoo.

I also want to point out that just because I am the one giving my feedback DOES NOT make me more qualified to do better tattoos over you, it DOES NOT mean that I am better over you, it DOES NOT mean that I have more experience and you get my drift. I am here to encourage, shed light, and help others in the best possible direction.

Just to reiterate it is not my intention to make this series to put anyone down, discourage anyone from fulfilling their dreams as a tattoo artist, or anything negative like this. I am here to help and grow with you all as I am learning from you all just as much as you all from me.

With this being said in this critique video we will go over 5 submissions that were sent in. I go about sharing my natural approach and what I would do to advance the tattoos sent in.

I want to thank everyone whom has submitted their tattoos for feedback! You are greatly appreciated. If you are interested in submitting your tattoos to be featured on the future critique episodes feel free to submit your tattoos too

I am not in any way, shape, or form encouraging any unsafe tattooing practices nor do I really condone unsafe tattooing. In this mind frame I have to assume that everyone whom submits is practicing safe tattooing. Furthermore people have been tattooing themselves far before I was born and they will continue to do so, I fully understand that my words will have little impact on the choices others make, so I have to have a healthy balance here and understand I can only control what I do on my end.

If I didn't touch base on anything that you may have wanted to know upon watching this video please drop a comment below and I will assist you in the best possible direction.

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If you’re interested in tattoo gear I will link you to solid tattoo products that I can feel recommending to you all first hand.

Everything that I link below I have personally use, used and have tested out.

By purchasing from one of the links below I may receive a small percentage that will go towards new tattoo ventures for this channel.

I appreciate your support.

You can download the list of gear I use or have used right here You can download the list of gear I use or have used right here

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