Pro Teaches n00bs: Lesson 137: DC Universe vs Masters of the Universe

2 years ago

On Today's lesson of Pro Teaches n00bs, @RaymondCandela joins me as we continue going over DC Comics He-Man with DC Universe vs the Masters of the Universe! Skeletor is back &...He-Man kills Superman?!?

After narrowly escaping his last battle with He-Man, Skeletor has fled to the most unexpected realm to recover: EARTH! Once there, he sets a plan in motion to siphon off Earth's core magic. Forging an unlikely hunting party, He-Man and company go in search of Skeletor and find themselves at odds with the heroes of the DC Universe, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe must find a way to stop Skeletor and his mysterious new master!

#dccomics #heman #dcuniverse


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