Holy Ghost FIRE Falls WORLDWIDE During Anointed PRAYER! 🔥💥

2 years ago

Watch supernatural miracles take place as hundreds from the four corners of the globe simultaneously receive a touch from the Holy Spirit during this anointed Interactive Prayer Service with Brother Chris at the God’s Heart TV Studio in North Wales, UK.

Do you need prayer? The power of God is not time-bound! Join this powerful time of prayer by faith and receive your healing, deliverance, breakthrough and freedom, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

More than 600 people from around the world participated in this Interactive Prayer Service. To find out more information about how you can freely receive Interactive Prayer with Brother Chris, please visit our website here - https://www.godsheart.tv/interactive-prayer

00:00 - Short preview of Interactive Prayer Service
00:18 - Introduction to Interactive Prayer Service
02:17 - Word of encouragement from Brother Chris
10:04 - Preparation for prayer
11:16 - Ministration of Interactive Prayer
19:58 - Prayer for viewers with Brother Chris
22:19 - Testimonies from around the world


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