Wind Turbine Investment Returns

2 years ago

While doing a little reading a few facts caught my attention.

We can read that, in Europe, some of the largest turbine manufacturers are going bankrupt.

We know that in the USA, the Federal Government takes billions of our tax dollars to subsidize the entire wind energy industry.

Now we read that in a study of 3000 turbines, they show signs of wearing out in 12 years. That is HALF the life expectancy that the government agencies use when subsidizing the wind energy industry.

In a simplified example of income from a wind turbine, the example shows it may take about 7 – 8 years for a wind turbine to recoup the investment. This is based on a 45 percent capacity factor.

We have seen reports where turbines are only delivering about half that, or about 25%.

This means that it could take 14-16 years to get the investment back IF, and a BIG if, the turbine will last that long.

Based on the information gathered from several sources, wind turbines may not make money but actually lose money.

Thank you for watching.

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