Was Jesus A LORD? Breaking Spells with Captain :Janine :Linehan.

2 years ago

Spell Breaking knowledge, Was Jesus a LORD? If yes why are there 787 Lords living in the House of Commons? I think they are trying to tell us that LORDS are very COMMON! Spell Breaking facts that leave you no where to go but wake up! IT IS A FACT that their are 787 LORDS ALIVE TODAY SOME EVEN ARE ACCUSED OF PEDOFILIA! I would hope to Christ that Jesus was no LORD! It's wakie wakie time to the fairytale narrative that most have been living most our lives. The one true son of God? or one of many lords? Confusing, just how it is meant to be.. for us to all talk a language of BABBLE, straight from Babylon.

I am so glad I left this Matrix. To many acts and plays to live a factual life in a world full of Narrative and lies.

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